Monday 25 February 2013

Sleep With Me.

Has anyone seen the movie sleep with me?

It starred Craig Sheffer, Eric Stoltz and, I think, Meg Tilly.  Hang on, I'm going to check on IMDB....

....Yeah it was Meg Tilly.  Anyway, the premise of the film is Eric Stoltz and Meg Tilly are married and Eric's best mate, Craig, falls in love with Meg.  I'm not sure if they go anywhere with it in the end but Craig basically loses his mind a bit over the whole thing and it all becomes a bit uncomfortable.  They patch it all up in the end but it's the final scene which interests me today.  The movie ends with Craig Sheffer standing in the street in LA at night as a big house party goes on around him.  An LAPD helicopter is in the sky and its search light illuminates him briefly which has the most bizzare effect - he seems to waken from a dream like state and goes running off down the road.  Roll credits.  The effect is to make you think he's been acting under some weird spell for the last two hours.

We'll that's kind of how I felt last night.  I realised that it was me who decided to do this program - nobody's forced me into it - and I realised that only I can make it work.  I've been living in a dream state for the last three weeks.  I haven't been exercising, I haven't been sticking to the diet and I've been drinking FAR too much.  Last night I came to the decision that I just need to simplify and get on with it.

Incidentally, there's an excellent cameo in this movie by Quentin Tarantino.  He plays a guy at the party and has this long monologue/rant about how Top Gun is one of the most subversive movies ever made and how it's all about Maverick's struggle with his own latent homosexuality.  We'll worth checking out.

Thursday 21 February 2013

A real kick in the teeth.

So I've been missing in action since just before my birthday - around the 8th of February.  I did try to keep things going on holiday, managed a couple of skips, but basically went completely tonto.  I've been eating whatever I want (what I want is invariably pretty healthy, apart from cashew nuts) and drinking far too much too.

Consequently I've been avoiding the exercise like the plague and not talking about it here or adding photos.

The email the other day was the spur to start talking though so I asked myself "what would Kev tell me to do?"

"Post a photo."

So I've done this and I'm shocked at the results.  Putting my day 39 photo next to my day 22 photo was a good move.  On day 22 things were starting to look pretty good.  By day 39 I've started to slip back towards where I was on day 1.

Not happy.  Getting serious as of today.  I'm going to step back a couple of weeks in the workouts (I'm pretty sure today's workout would fucking floor me) and get back into the fucking groove pronto.

Apologies for this massive ballsup, I'm back on it as of fucking now.

Thursday 14 February 2013

A fucking ass kicking.

Pretty much describes the last few days for me.  Went up north with the best of intentions (my plan was to stick to the diet during the day, exercise completely and break gently in the evenings.) In reality I managed two skips over the last week and have pretty much completely abandoned the diet.

Still, I'm back at work today and have prepared my food completely for today so in theory I'm back on it.  I'll just need to have a mental readjustment and crack back on with things.

On a separate note, Swee has expressed interest in doing Tough Mudder and Nicky has said "no fucking way."  Does anyone else have a preference?  Is anyone else still doing this?  What the fuck, nobody said anything about radio silence, get blogging ya dicks.

No photo today because all you'd see is a sad little slide backwards.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Day. Something.

Difficult workout on Tuesday - ate my lunch at noon as I was fading away then didn't have any fruit on me for the afternoon.  Meant that I had nothing in the tank at six when I did my workout.  That put me firmly in the fat burning zone but also meant I was a quivering wreck at the end of it all.  Couldn't complete my last set of leg raises and felt dizzy as shit for the next hour.

On top of the food yesterday but my triceps and shoulders were so sore that I didn't bother with the workout.  Poor form, I know, but I was shattered so fuck off, don't judge me.

Today my arms are fucking killing me but I'm gee'd up for today and looking forward to another solid workout tonight.  Think I'll skip today's specific workout and do yesterday's instead - pull-ups are more appealing right now than more triceps work...

Hope everyone else is getting on all right; did Nicky manage to pull it all together?  Are Kev, Joe and Mikey still alive?

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Monday's workout was a hum dinger.  I think that is mostly down to the lost weekend though - everything just felt like a massive effort.

I did, however, manage everything and man am I sore this morning.

I'm no longer counting skips though - I'm sick and tired of losing count (my rule is "lose count, start again") so I've switched to timed skips.  We're going to do this anyway before long so I'm just getting a head start.  Three sets of three minutes equates, I think, to more skips than we're supposed to be doing currently anyway so I'm definitely not cheating.  The ridiculousness of skipping in driving snow sunk in yesterday, thanks very much winter.  Who's idea was it to do this shit in February?

It's my birthday on Sunday and we're going en masse to Gorthleck (Auntie and Uncle's house near Invershnek) so there will be drinking and eating but I'm going to limit myself to evenings off - during the day it's going to be business as usual.

Went to bed at 9.30 last night because I was so fucking hungry I couldn't think of anything else to do (last night was the first night of egg whites and apple for dinner.)  Breakfast this morning was an absolute joy.

Haven't got any updated weights for you, but here's the latest photo.  I'm pretty happy with progress so far.

That's all, get back to work.

Monday 4 February 2013

The Lost Weekend.

As you know from Nicky's blog an old friend was in town this weekend so we had a bit of time off from FIYL.

2pm on Saturday saw us in Hamiltons where several beers, slippery nipples, burgers and nachos were consumed.  I got off quite lightly, Nicky and Joe were hard at it from Thursday.

Saturday night was a bottle of wine and some sort of Yorkshire pudding contraption from M&S and Sunday night was another bottle of wine and a roast chicken.

Needless to say I'm feeling a little sluggish this Monday.  A week of strict diet and exercise will follow.

It was good to see Christophe though, he's in fine shape - he's a purveyor of pull-ups himself and is a dab hand at the human flag.  Gives us something to aspire to.